Ist Meeting
1st July, 2008
Minutes of the meeting:
To begin with every one present was introduced to the forum. Each one individually shared the thought and the passion on sustainability and hoped that this forum will go a long way in establishing a sound foundation for the “Green Chennai”
Going further the meeting got down to the business of sharing thoughts….

1) The discussion on the Green Chennai concept was lively and the following points are of note:
a. Govt and Public Space – Role of the Government
Most of the members felt that as this is something encompassing the whole of Chennai city, the role of Govt is vital. As the sustainability is all about Green spaces, energy consumption and mass utilization, its important that Govt should be involved in all this
It was debated that yes, the Govt is required to come up and support but more importantly as we are all passionate about the sustainability and being green, individually we should strive to do something. Once this forum is strong enough to run on its feet, the natural progression will be to reach out to the Govt for the better reach as well as better support with out loosing this forum’s own identity and things that this forum stands for.
b. Arresting Growth or energy consumption
As all the members are acutely aware, the most important thing for this forum is to reduce energy consumption at large. But that does not mean to arrest growth. The world wide debate, about growth and increased energy consumption goes hand in hand, was highlighted. It was discussed that its important to understand that Energy consumption in countries like India are at very low level compared to the developed countries, hence we are actually not the culprit. Most of the members later agreed that although we may not be adding to Global Warming or Green House Gases but it’s a good thing to do and at the end of it we will be facing same problems as the developed world is facing at large now. It’s something that needs to be done and done now. Why we should go the way the other advanced countries went…?
c. Public Infrastructure
Most of us agreed that the public infrastructure has to be developed, Systems like MRTS, Public Transport, AC buses has to be brought in. Concepts like Bicycle lanes, no vehicle days etc has to be started. A city wise master plan needs to be developed too in terms of these amenities and facilities. This forum also realizes that its too early in the day to go to this extent. But it was noted in the meetings that it should be one of the plans for this forum to take it up.

d. Awareness
All the members agreed that the most important aspect to this is to create awareness. It was informed to the meeting that the forum has already booked the domain names for green Chennai; Green Citizen has been booked already.
2) It was discussed to have a road map
a. Projects
i. The members touched upon various projects that this group can take up which is a large list. ii. The members also discussed many interesting concept like how individually one can do things at ones own level to reduce carbon footprint.
b. Arresting the rush for energy consumption
i. It was discussed what and how we can go about arresting the rush for power consumption ii. Popularize the use of public transport and car pooling etc. One of the members said that although its very nice to say to use these measures, but some times it is very impractical. Hence it was discussed to have some practical solutions and innovative measures that this group can come up with.
c. What we can do
i. It was the most important area of discussion for this forum and we all touched upon various things that we can do. In the end it was decided to actually list them out individually and then Shashi can compile the same and discuss in detail in the coming meeting on 15th July
d. Awareness campaigns
i. In schools, in companies, factories through seminars and road shows ii. In media through print and visual media iii. Through online website etc
e. Walkways
The most of the members felt that as they would love to take a bicycle and go about doing shopping or weekend office trips but the roads are not very safe. Most of the members believed that people love to walk but there are no pedestrian walkways. Its believed that if there is actually a good amount of pedestrian walk ways, it will reduce the pressure on the traffic.
3) Vision Discussion
a. Make City better / Live Better
The vision statement / the vision most agreed can be worked upon later. Some felt that the vision “To make Chennai totally a green city by 2015” is tall order, whereas some felt that for any kind of group a catchy phrase actually helps. Another member felt that to have a measurable target in mind helps in achieving the goal. In the end it was decided that we all have thoughts on the same and may be this can be discussed offline (through emails etc) to arrive at some conscious vision statement. It was agreed that in the end its all about making Chennai city better and live better. Its going to be more like a life style statement than a vision statement.
b. Focus
Most of the members felt that concepts like “Being Green” “Sustainability” and “Global Warming” encompasses large canvas it’s required to have in this group a focus. Focus on what one can do and one should strive to achieve. Hence it was discussed to have thoughts from the each individual members on the things that should be done and can be done as well as what one can individually contribute to the group within a week so that this can be discussed offline (on emails or on blogs) and come up to certain conclusion on the upcoming meeting on 15th July.
4) Roles and Structure
Few of the members requested Shashi to clarify the role that Haworth has in all this. Shashi informed the team that his passion for sustainability has sprung only from the focus Haworth, as a Corporation, has towards the sustainability. Haworth believes in being sustainable and supporting sustainable activities. Shashi informed the team that the role of Haworth is of a facilitator only. Although Shashi has been talking, inviting and gathering team of passionate people from different walks of life and the people that he knows, which does not mean that its Haworth Forum. Haworth Chennai is just providing required support to this movement as it believes in being sustainable corporation.
All the members agreed that this forum will not be any one of the organizations propaganda platform although it will continue to seek support, help and guidance from any or all of the member’s organisation as well as any other organisation that it can garner support from.
a. What type of organisation
i. It was discussed to have this forum in some kind of structured organizational structure. One of the members stressed upon the need to have such structure and have that registered in order to go long way. Hence the members were asked to sent their thoughts on the type of structure this forum should have and the same should be finalised in the upcoming meeting on 15th July.
b. What type of structured roles

i. It was requested to all the members to also define the structured roles that this groups should have and send the same on the email
5) Action Points
a. Sent inputs on the following through email to Shashi for compilation and further action
i. What types of projects, activities etc should be done by this forum? ii. Every one is also requested to list out the things that one can individually support on through their own personal involvement or through their own network of friends and acquaintances. iii. What type of the organizational structure that this group should have.
iv. List out the people in you can reach out to, who can be involved in this initiative. Basically these people can be anyone who has the passion for sustainability and the drive to do something for green Chennai.
6) The second meeting:
a. Venue:
Chennai Office
Time: 5 PM – 7 PM
b. Agenda:
i. Introduction of the new members
ii. Special Invitee Presentation on Sustainability (TBD)
iii. Discussion on the progress on the Action point I
iv. To finalise “Green Chennai” Concept
v. Road map finalization
vi. Action point II
Virtual Citizen
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