Action Point: What the Green Chennai Forum should do?
One Response from a member:
Personal Green Life Style
- Become Green, do at least one thing green consistently
- Start the campaign for individual house lights to be changed to CFL
- Use own bags for shopping
- Start using bicycle more often
- Work from house once in a month, if you can
- Reduce the AC use increase the temp
- Switch off computers, TV (Switch off from the source not by remote to avoid energy runoff) lights etc.
- Create an awareness among your friends and your sphere of influence
Personal sphere of influence
- Work towards making your surroundings sustainable
- Create awareness
- Be an agent of change, suggest green ideas and sustainable concepts, implement ideas
- Start Car pooling and other such energy saving acts
- Start influencing the colleagues and management to think green, involve them in any such forum which is thinking green (Prefer it to Green Chennai forum but its your choice)
“Green Chennai Forum”
- Increase Membership in the Forum and influence the right and passionate individuals to join in the Forum
- Drive towards making a corpus of funds to sustain the sustainability drive
The Sustainability Drive in my opinion should be in the following areas to begin witha. To create awareness
· Reach out to Industrial houses, Organize seminars to showcase their adverse carbon foot print and if possible change
· Lowering energy consumption of high user group
· Global Warming causes
· Being a green citizen and living a green life style
b. Reaching out to the Key stake holders like Corporate groups, Manufacturers, Industries, Infrastructure developers,
· to partner with them to bring about a green change in their own premises
· Work out a program to have seminars, discussion groups, email campaigns, white papers distribution and sharing of actionable concepts and success stories with them.
c. Reaching out to NGO’s, Research Partners and External Technical Bodies like Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
· To devise standards of being green and promote Green Citizen concept on the lines of LEED certification
· To bring out a practical guide of green life style
· To identify and fund research in these areas
· To reach out to the large fraternity of Green Agents and resources
d. For Public at Large
· Create a web presence to share the ideas thoughts, concepts and create awareness about the group and its activities
· Create large scale events to reach out to masses, publicity campaigns in Print and News Media
· Conduct Competitive events like Essay, Music, Poetry etc among colleges, institutions and corporate
· Partner with Govt agencies to bring about Green Change, if asked for
· Provide resource and consultations for development of large projects
· Influence Large projects to advocate and work on the green and sustainable life style
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